Shift Happens
Living life more powerfully requires a shift in how we view ourselves, how we view our lives, and the actions we choose to take or not take!
Another year has flown by; a year that brought for most of us a mix of highs and lows. In this season, it is important to be complete with where you have been, in tune with who you are committed to being, clear about where you are going, and powerfully unstoppable in your own behalf! Yes, I do realize that MIGHT sound impossible, but it isn't! Please read on…
We talk a lot about others needing to be held accountable. However, it is time for us to take a good hard look inward, and take on accountability ourselves. You see, no one can be powerful and unstoppable for you, but YOU. No one can be in action for you, but YOU. No one can be more committed to having the life you say you want to have, than YOU!
Does this mean that everything will always be all rosy? No. However, the way in which you approach every single aspect of your life (by being either positive or negative in your thinking) affects your view, and the eventual outcome, of your life.
5 Steps for Completing Your Year and Reclaiming Your Power
With so much negativity around us, it is hard not to be present to our missed goals. Yet, when we allow such negativity to infiltrate our being, the negativity overpowers the great things we have (and have accomplished) in our lives, too! If you want to get back to living powerfully and set the tone for a great New Year, you've got to ditch the negatives and get present to the positives! So, get complete with where you’ve been and get present to how great you are. I strongly recommend you write yourself a letter – here at the end of the year – that acknowledges your accomplishments, and don't just look for the positives in the realm of finances, but also consider what you've done to make a difference for another; the love you've given your children; the awesome garden you grew this year; your mastery of cooking; or the joy you now get from taking time to do nothing! No accomplishment or positive in your life is too small to celebrate! How does this exercise serve you? When you are down on yourself for what you haven’t accomplished, you can’t be powerful anywhere… for anything, for anybody, and especially not on your own behalf. So, instead of being negative, you need to give yourself credit for what you have accomplished and what you do have. When you do so, you instantly create a whole new, POSITIVE way of thinking.
Create a plan for what you want to accomplish moving forward in the remaining weeks of this year, and in the New Year. Without a plan, negativity will take you over each and every time! Only you have a say in how your life turns out, and if you don’t have a written plan that verbalizes what your “say” is, chances are it won’t happen.
Making a commitment to be more powerful in your own behalf boils down to this, YOU choose every day, every minute, whether to use your power in a positive way, or not. YOU choose to act consistent with your power, or not. YOU choose to be the predominant creative power in your life or to shrink in negative emotions. It is up to YOU to CHOOSE to commit to being powerful on your own behalf. No one else can do it for you.
In order to be as powerful as you can be, you need a team. You need a team of people who support you; who know what you want; who you are willing to ask to hold you accountable, and who aren’t afraid to hold you accountable. Remember: If you could get to where you are going by yourself, you’d be there already!
Never give up, never give up, never give up! Life will always be full of ups and downs, but the key to not getting caught up in negativity, and instead being powerful on your own behalf, is to stay present to your power! You can stay present to your power by being present to what you DO have and what you HAVE accomplished, having a plan, and being committed to not only your plan but to an unstoppable and positive way of being. So my challenge to you, as we enter the last weeks of this year, is to:
Get present to your power… and use it wisely!
Know what you want and have a plan for getting it!
Teach others how to use their power wisely too!
Please, carve out some time to take a reflective look at all that you have accomplished this year, write down all that you have accomplished and are thankful for, and don’t forget to share it with the world! My guess is that your list will be much longer than you imagined, and the benefit of participating in this assignment will far exceed your expectations.