Make Meetings Count

None of us has extra time to sit through aimless meetings without clear direction. We've all experienced meetings that were a complete waste of time, yet we've also seen the opposite: meetings that were well-directed, efficient, with clearly outlined next steps and each team member's role. As a leader, it's crucial to ensure every meeting is efficient—you need to master the art of conducting effective meetings.

What are the secrets to running efficient meetings?

  1. Before the meeting, clearly define what you want participants to gain from your time together. This clarity will guide your communication before and during the meeting and prevent confusion about the meeting's purpose.

  2. Create and distribute an agenda at least one day before the meeting. An agenda helps keep the meeting on track and outlines what needs to be covered. It also allows participants to prepare in advance and contribute effectively to the discussion.

  3. Prevent any one person from dominating the meeting. We all know people who can derail a meeting's focus. If someone starts to veer off topic, gently steer the conversation back by saying, "I hear what you're saying, and it's important, but we can't address it in the time we have left today. Please see me after the meeting so we can schedule a time to discuss this further."

  4. Before concluding the meeting, ensure that everyone understands what has been communicated and what is expected of them. If tasks are assigned, confirm each person's understanding of their responsibilities and deadlines. Establishing clear accountabilities ensures that the time spent in the meeting is valuable and never wasted.

Clay Nelson