Sweet Summertime

We are more than halfway through the summer, and I have to ask, how are you doing? Despite the sweetness that often accompanies summertime, it also has a way of throwing us off our games, slowing us down, and creating circumstances where we just plain spin out! Our routine is challenged both at home and at work and people around us are spaced out and distracted. Of course, all of this can be avoided or at least minimized with some planning, focus, and commitment to staying on track.

How can you get yourself out of the summertime slows, stay sane, organized, and directed no matter what is going on around you?

  • Follow your written plan. There is no arguing with the specific, measurable results (SMRs) and the by-whens that you set for you and your team. And if you don't have a plan, write one! Yes, I hear the groans now, but trust me on this one. Take the time to write a plan! It doesn't have to be anything elaborate, but if you don't put where you are going in writing and by-when you are committed to getting there, getting what you say you want will be much more difficult to accomplish.

  • Take care of yourself - hint: follow (or create) your personal plan. To have your life be the way you say you want it to be, you've got to keep your batteries charged, and you do that by taking care of YOU.

  • Be unstoppable. Stay focused on your commitments and don't allow any circumstance to get in your way.

If your circumstances have already gotten the best of you, don't beat yourself up. Instead, ask for help. In fact, I say we make a pact. Anytime we find ourselves stopped in any way, we acknowledge what we see in each other, clear what is in the way, ask for help, and follow the points above. More simply put, get into action, follow your plan, and be your word. Be powerful in your own behalf! When you do, you'll find yourself happier, your goals in focus, and time to actually enjoy the sweetness that summertime has to offer.Remember: Only you have a say in how your life turns out. So, what do you say?
