Make a Difference for Another... Let Me Count the Ways!

Thanksgiving is just 3 weeks away. That realization may have some of you smiling and others of you sighing. Either way, take a deep breath, and before you get caught up in the hustle and bustle of all that is to come, consider what you can do this season to make a difference for another!No one has to look far to see someone dealing with a circumstance more difficult than their own, and while I believe wholeheartedly in not allowing circumstances to dictate our lives, I also believe we have a responsibility to help those who need it! Offer a warm, non-judgmental smile, listen to someone who needs to be heard, offer a hug, or give away what you “know” to another. There are countless ways to make a difference, and very few of them will cost you anything, but a bit of your time!Just a thought.Clay S. Nelson