Webinar: Accountability - Meet Your Goals… Grow Your Team
One of the most consistent complaints leaders have from across all industries and walks of life is the lack of accountability either from outside suppliers or those on their own team, and it isn’t because their team members are bad people. They just don’t get what accountability really means and in truth, a lot of people hide from being held accountable.But, it doesn’t have to be that way. Accountability is a tool you can use to create fun, excitement, and take the guess work out of what is expected from whom and by-when, and you can use it to keep yourself on track too!
- What accountability really means.
- How to articulate your goals inside of a plan that allows you to easily track your progress and hold yourself and others accountable for the tasks associated with reaching your goals.
- The keys to Implementing an accountability system that keeps you and your team on track.
- Communication techniques for holding others accountable in an effective and acceptable way in order to achieve agreed upon results.